Retail Insights

All Insights: 134 items

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Video: Create a Spooktacular Self-Checkout Experience with Vynamic Self-Service
Video: Create a Spooktacular Self-Checkout Experience with Vynamic Self-Service

The time is right for a little Halloween fright. Get delighted by a self-service UI that is so easy to customize... it's scary. Explore an unexpected Halloween treat with Vynamic® Self-Service Software. Watch if you dare...

Lösungsüberblick: Services für E-Ladestationen für Hersteller

Als Ihr zentraler Ansprechpartner für alle servicebezogenen Themen stellen wir sicher, dass Ihre Ladegeräte auf zuverlässige, skalierbare und effiziente Weise installiert und gewartet werden.

Lösungsüberblick: Services für E-Ladestationen für Betreiber

Diebold Nixdorf ist der bevorzugte Geschäftspartner für viele führende Charge Point Operators (CPOs) und Hersteller von Ladegeräten und verwaltet heute mehr als 30.000 Ladestationen weltweit.

Video: Services für E-Ladestationen
Video: Services für E-Ladestationen

Erfahren Sie, wie das DN AllConnectSM Services-Team Ihre E-Ladestationen unterstützen kann.

Video: Create Service-Focused Environments with Mobile Associate Journeys
Video: Create Service-Focused Environments with Mobile Associate Journeys

Retail associates are expected to provide exceptional customer service while juggling pricing, inventory, queue-busting and more. Empower your associates to meet those demands simultaneously with mobile devices that can orchestrate customer-facing tasks, facilitate store management duties, or simply connect them to customers when service is needed.

Blog: Closing the Gap Between Increasing Demand and Decreasing Staff

Orchestrating all mobiles journeys for customers and associates alike can be tricky and requires a clever strategy upfront. It’s recommended to think upfront about how to proactively monitor your mobile retail ecosystem before hiccups happen, and how to make use of the wealth of real-time data you collect as a retailer.

Whitepaper: Engaging and Personalized In-Store Experiences Powered by Storevolution™

Explore in our Zebra partner-branded whitepaper how retailers can boost transactions across store checkout channels with mobile solutions.

Mindshare: Will All Retail Journeys End up in the Cloud?

In this Mindshare, we talked to Emily Pfeiffer, Senior Analyst at Forrester, and our own Nicolas Pelletier after the webinar “Will All Retail Journeys End Up in the Cloud?”, we asked both experts five questions about the future of retail and the characteristics of a technology foundation that support this future best.

Blog: The Clever Solution Helping Retailers Crack the (Fresh Produce) Code

DN Smart vision technology recognizes the produce item with the scale camera and presents the customer with the proper name of the item. After customer approval, the fresh produce item is added to the transaction in a single click.

Video: Empower Your Staff
Video: Empower Your Staff

Vynamic Retail Platform offers connected, flexible, and efficient shopping experiences for retailers and customers. Built from scratch to reap the true benefits of the cloud, we empower your staff to deliver today’s and tomorrow’s retail journeys in the best possible way.

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