Banking Insights

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Blog: The Future of the Self-Service Channel: Differentiating for Growth while Maximizing Effectiveness

Be it driving growth or reducing costs, modern technology enables financial institution to transform their operations while fulfilling their consumers’ needs for innovation, security, and flexibility. Change must occur to meet the requirements of more digital-oriented consumers and compete with other digital-only competitors.

Blog: Building a Smarter Agile Bank

Once banks break from the traditional, channel-centric approach that often stifles innovation, they'll be able to offer dynamic digital ecosystems that match customers' need for the "always on" solution.

Blog: Updating Legacy Payments Systems Starts with Embracing a Phased Approach

Doing nothing isn't the way to go, but a Big Bang approach is risky and expensive. A phased, agile approach to updating payments platforms is less risky and allows banks to ramp up legacy systems step-by-step, channel by channel, and transaction by transaction.

Blog: In the Instant Payments Race, Does Winner Take All?

“Instant payments.” It’s a term that’s been talked about for years, but in practice (if you exclude the use of cash) it’s less than a decade old. So, what does it really mean? And why is it so important in today’s payments space?

Blog: How Data Sharing is Changing the Definition of Banking

The increased competition from fintechs has forced financial institutions (FIs) to innovate, improve their offerings and their customer service, and in some cases lower their costs. Open banking will continue to change how consumers view their banking options, providing opportunities and posing challenges to FIs, merchants and card processors.

Video: Vynamic Cash Management
Video: Vynamic Cash Management

Determine the right amount of cash at the right time throughout all your ATMs, teller recyclers and other cash points.

Brochure: A Payment Platform for the Future

Diebold Nixdorf’s Vynamic™ Payments is the next generation in payments processing software, a cloud-native platform built to power the ongoing transformation of the financial services and payments industry. We approached payments with a fresh perspective—focused on disruption rather than iteration. See how you can leapfrog to the next generation in payments processing now.

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