Vynamic® Transaction Engine

Consistent Transaction Handling Across All Channels

Your organization depends on the ability to handle transactions across multiple connection points in a secure, efficient and reliable way. Meanwhile, the ongoing digitalization of the retail space and the volume of new touchpoints coming online require solutions that can keep pace with the changing landscape. Vynamic Transaction Engine powers future-proof connections for the modern, global retailer.


of retailers

"say that integrating e-commerce and in-store experiences is business critical."

Source: ZEBRA Technologies, 2017 Retail Vision Study

Optimize Your Transactions with Consumers, Wherever They Are

For retailers, Connected Commerce is all about improving the consumer experience: recognizing and predicting consumers’ needs and meeting their expectations. The ongoing digitalization of the retail space and the volume of new touchpoints coming online call for solutions that can keep pace with the changing landscape. With Vynamic Retail Services, we are paving the way for the future of retail.

Connect Your Operations Around The Globe

Optimize business transactions between regional operations and your company headquarters. Whether the touchpoint and backend solutions are from Diebold Nixdorf or a third party, we can help ensure you’re receiving retail data from online, offline and mobile channels. Leverage that smart data to make informed business decisions, empower sales staff, enhance consumer service and drive efficiency.

Drive Consistent Business Growth Throughout All Channels

Open Retailing means providing a seamless customer experience throughout all sales channels thanks to the structured, straightforward integration of all IT solutions the retailer has in place. Centrally storing and processing all transactions while consistently defining and executing the business rules supported by a service-based architecture allows retailers to make smarter decisions, empowering consumers and sales staff while boosting bottom-line results.

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